Bill Bernat is the Founder of Stay Awesome, which eases the isolation of COVID-driven remote working though small group storytelling called "Connecting Story Design." Forty-five minute Lunch n' Learn events, titled "Normalizing the Conversation Around Mental Health," offer a simple way to give interested employees practical communications tips and hear stories from professionals thriving with mental health conditions.
Bill offers trainings on Speaking and Storytelling About Mental Health and Addiction, as well as messaging, coaching, and writing for individuals and HR departments talking about mental health.
Bill offers organizations casual, fun ways to create a more connected culture in these very isolating times. Lunch 'n Learn events help managers talk to employees more easily about depression, anxiety, and burnout. Connecting Story Design storytelling workshops let remote teams get to know each other as people (not just coworkers) while developing new skills.
Bill had successful careers as an engineer and a technology marketing director. His TED talk on "How to Connect with Depressed Friends" has nearly two million views, and he performs an award-winning comedy show about depression and anxiety (Becoming More Less Crazy) in the US and Canada. He is a lived-experience speaker who thrives with bipolar disorder and has 12 years in recovery from addiction.